#39daysofselfcare Day 9: Finding Self-Confidence in Sisterhood
There was a time in my life that, every time someone would tell me I was beautiful I would think “yeah, but you don’t know how fucked up I am on the inside.” I knew I fit society’s beauty standards, and yet I still felt awkward, insecure, lonely and ashamed. I was scared of attention. I literally took the alleyways because fewer people could look at me then.
And you know what? This only changed within the last couple of years! Especially when it came to being sexy and feminine — ho boy was I uncomfortable with that!
But look at me now. Dragana Paramentic took these beautiful photos for her new project, The Goddacious Experience. She’s mighty talented, and I was feeling hot as hell!

So how did I make this transformation, you ask? Two things: SISTERHOOD and DOING THE WORK. That’s right.... personal development, specifically in a community setting. Don’t get me wrong — I’ve done my fair share of one-on-one counselling and coaching. But I couldn’t get to HERE alone.
Through (my coach) Catherine Farquharson’s group of 70, and Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts’ army of 900, I have been surrounded by women who saw the light in me.
✨Who lifted me up
✨Carried me when I was down
✨Who I was strong for when they needed me
✨Who celebrated one another’s wins
🔥Whose desires and accomplishments were so much more outrageous and huge and fucking important than mine, that it lit a fire in me to get there/
have that/
do that/
Be that.

Today is Day 9 of #39daysofselfcare. I am at Dragana’s house for a self-love date. That’s right, we are getting together to praise & raise each other (and eat all the foods).
If you wanna love yourself more, get your ass a sisterhood, asap.
Get out of the alleyways. Come walk on the sidewalk where everyone can see you’re a Goddess too.

The Goddacious Experience (Toronto)
Catherine Farquharson’s mindset coaching group (global)
Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts: On Sisterhood (global)
If you are looking for SISTERHOOD, specifically with other brides who are planning their weddings, get on the waitlist for The Course! (global)