Sign up for the Sweetheart Empire Newsletter - the Empire Citizen!

Hello friends,
I wanted to give you a heads up that I've started a newsletter! Yes, indeed, I have lots to say. :) If you're curious about the content, here's a link to past issues, here's a link to subscribe, and below are my reasons for this endeavour:
There are two phrases I constantly hear in my work:
“The whole wedding day went by in a flash – I can’t even remember it!”
“Kids grow up so fast – I can’t believe they started school this year!”
Both of these express the same concern: being present and experiencing life as it’s happening.
I created the newsletter with tips to help you Be in the moment during life's big (and small) moments, and not miss out.
Whether you’re worried about being too stressed to enjoy your wedding, or shocked that your child isn’t a baby anymore, I got you. Using simple techniques of reflection, gratitude, breathing, and photography, you can be there to appreciate all the stages of life.
Subscribers to the newsletter also get exclusive access to printed gifts and promotions, as well as first rights to popular session dates throughout the year. Pretty awesome, right? If you're thinking, "Yes – I'm into this!" then here's what to expect...
Two short letters per month with:
- Right of first refusal to popular weekend sessions
- Concise tips on mindfulness & emotional presence
- Exclusive package offerings, printed gifts & promotions
- A link to new work or a few photos to brighten your day...
The laws of the land:
- Only 2 emails each month
- I will never share your contact info
- Opt-out any time by clicking unsubscribe
Judgment-Free Territory
If you no longer want to be a "citizen" of Sweetheart Empire, just unsubscribe. I'll still think of you as a citizen of though, because that's just how I roll. Also, I don't judge because inboxes are cray-cray so only say yes to what brings you Joy (at least for newsletters).